A Retrospective Cross‑Sectional Study of Profile Severity and Outcome of Pedestrian Road Traffic Trauma Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department in South India during 2018–2019


Department of Emergency Medicine, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India



Background and Objectives: Pedestrian injuries are a common mode of trauma presenting to the emergency department (ED). This study analyzes the profile, severity, and hospital outcome of these victims. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of pedestrian trauma victims who presented to our ED from January 2017 to December 2018. Results: During the 2-year study period, our ED received 463 patients with pedestrian trauma. The mean age was 39 (standard deviation: 22.72) years, with a male (309/463: 66.6%) predominance. Based on their hemodynamic stability, majority were triaged as Priority 2 (279/463: 60.2%). Injuries included fractures (49.5%; n = 229), lacerations (46.4%; n = 215), abrasions: (38.9%; n = 179) and brain contusions (23.1%; n = 107). Extremities were the most injured (66.6%), followed by the scalp/head (39.9%) and face/neck injuries (20.3%) patients. A New Injury Severity Score of more than or equal to 14 was noted in 64 (13.9%) patients. Most of the victims required surgical (major/minor) intervention as part of their treatment which accounted for 63.9% (n = 296) patients. The ED mortality rate was 0.4% (n = 2), whereas the in-hospital mortality rate was 2.2% (n = 8). Conclusions: Middle-aged males were the leading demographic affected by most events taking place in the evening. Extremities were the most injured body part with fractures being the principal type of injury. A significant number of victims had injuries that were grievous and required hospital admission.


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