Not-so-Minor Injuries: Delayed Diagnosis of a Large Splinter


1 General Surgery Department, Northwick Park Hospital, London, UK

2 Baylor Scott and White Memorial Hospital, Temple, Texas



In contrast with victims of major trauma, patients who suffer minor injuries receive little specialist input. In most cases, this causes no difficulty, but there are situations where minor trauma results in persistent disability affecting the quality of life.

Case Presentation
A young man sustained a perineal puncture wound resulting from a fall onto a bush. Following an initial delay, he sought medical advice for a continual pain in his right leg, and a discharging perineal wound. A computed tomography (CT) scan and flexible sigmoidoscopy failed to identify the cause, and he was subsequently discharged from hospital. One year after his initial presentation, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan identified a retained foreign body consistent with a fragment of wood.

Penetrating trauma from wooden fragments provides a diagnostic challenge. A stubborn discharge from a wound must always raise the suspicion of retained fragment. Early and appropriate surgical exploration is imperative.


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